
First Aid Courses

The First Aid 1, First Aid 2, and Emergency First Aid (Hätä-EA) courses provide basic knowledge of first aid. Participants receive an official first aid certificate upon completion.

First Aid 1 - Basic First Aid Course

Course Description

Duration: 16 hours. The course can be held over two 8-hour days or spread across multiple days.

The course covers emergency first aid and first aid for the most common medical emergencies and accidents.

The first aid certificate is valid for three years.

First Aid 2 - Advanced First Aid Course

Course Description

Duration: 16 hours. The course can be held over two 8-hour days or spread across multiple days.

This course builds on the Basic First Aid course, deepening the knowledge acquired in the basic course. The Advanced First Aid course allows for the inclusion of optional topics.

Emergency First Aid (Hätä-EA) - 8 or 4 Hours

Course Description

The Emergency First Aid course focuses on life-threatening emergencies and their first aid. The Hätä-EA courses are either 4 or 8 hours long and serve as refresher courses for the Basic and Advanced First Aid courses.

Kela Reimbursements

It is possible to receive Kela reimbursement for first aid courses. Learn more about Kela reimbursements here.

Emedical Oy’s trainers hold the First Aid and Health Education Trainer qualification (ETK). Our first aid courses meet Kela’s requirements.

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